How to automatically configure email (Thunderbird, Outlook, and iOS/OSX Mail) with Nethserver


This sounds like a DNS question. Set up CNAME records for both of these pointing to your server.

ok, let me rephrase.
how did you configure your mail serve to use both imap and smtp.

i already have the dns A records pointed…

AFAIK, you don’t–there’s nothing to configure there that I’ve seen.

Edit: to possibly clarify, AFAIK, all of the mail services will respond to any hostname that resolves to the Neth server. If that hostname isn’t part of the server’s default TLS certificate, the client concerned will probably get a certificate error (which, depending on the client, may prevent the connection entirely). But otherwise, any hostname is a go. I can speak IMAP to smtp.mydomain, or SMTP to imap.mydomain, or either protocol to www.mydomain. There’s no way to limit IMAP connections to only imap.mydomain, or redirect them from other hostnames, that I’m aware of.

great, thank you. now i understand fully.

Any news?

Any news about what?

this still works as great

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CopyAndPaste from the Wiki…

Caution: This module is in a pre-beta stage. It shouldn’t hurt anything, but may not behave as expected. If you notice unexpected behavior, let me know here and I’ll see what I can do.

Is that information obsolete? The module is avaliable, stable and effective? Thanks @oneitonitram for the info.

It is available, and as far as I know it is stable and effective. But I don’t know how many people are using it, in what environments, etc., to be able to say it’s well-tested.

Thanks for your kind answer
Maybe i’ll to install it in a future (3 months) environment and i will tell you how it’s behaving, if you’re interested.

I’d definitely be interesting in hearing real-world feedback.

been using it all the time on full basis.


ive used it successfully on both 64bit and arm

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