NethServer 7.6.1810 beta development


Mille grazie!


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The firewall packages have been released!

I’m working on the last feature Repository metadata GPG signature

Dependency failed for Network Manager Wait Online

Could you determin the reson of the message?

Let me see if it’s reproducible. Anyway it doesn’t seem an issue

I agree. It doesn’t seem to be an issue, or at least that it has no effect.
I just was curious.

Thx for reply.

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Unlocked settings, a lot of packages downloaded. But still 7.5.1804.

yes, unlocked downloads centos 7.6, but retain ns 7.5: it can’t work by now

To complete the upgrade to 7.6 (almost beta):

   config setprop subscription NsRelease 7.6.1810

Then go to Software Center and run system upgrade.

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Hi all!

Today I have installed an email server from scratch, starting with NethServer 7.5.1804 final and ending with NethServer 7.6.1810 (beta).
As usual, is a bare-metal server, placed in DMZ.
Everything without any issue, following this steps:

  1. Installed NS 7.5 with nethserver-7.5.1804-x86_64.iso
  2. Upgraded to NethServer 7.6.1810 beta, following @davidep instructions:
    NethServer 7.6.1810 beta development
  3. Installed from Software Center: Email, Fail2ban, POP3 proxy, SMTP proxy, Statistics.
  4. Installed from Software Center: SOGo groupware
  5. Installed LDAP local accounts provider
  6. Setted the email server (SMTP, POP3, 

Now, I begin to create the users.
From tomorrow, the email server will be in tests.


cc: @davidep

I received this email.
Is quite normal in this situation (beta) or is bad?

Upstream dropped the support for PHP 5.6, but we are still publishing PHP 5.6 RPMS from CentOS 7.5 to provide backward compatibility.
More information will follow inside the release notes.

It happens from time to time. You can safely ignore it.
To fix, clean the yum cache.


It’s not an issue, however until 7.6 final is out (and we switch the stable repository from 7.5 to 7.6) you need to enable the “Locked” policy on 7.6.1810 to get rid of it (hopefully).

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I did yum clean all and yum update.
I will wait till next cron job to see.
Thank you!

[root@mail ~]# yum clean all
Loaded plugins: changelog, fastestmirror, nethserver_events
Cleaning repos: ce-base ce-extras ce-updates centos-sclo-rh centos-sclo-sclo
              : epel nethforge nethserver-base nethserver-updates
Cleaning up list of fastest mirrors
[root@mail ~]# yum update
Loaded plugins: changelog, fastestmirror, nethserver_events
Determining fastest mirrors
epel/x86_64/metalink                                     |  25 kB     00:00
 * ce-base:
 * ce-extras:
 * ce-updates:
 * epel:
ce-base                                                  | 3.6 kB     00:00
ce-extras                                                | 3.4 kB     00:00
ce-updates                                               | 3.4 kB     00:00
centos-sclo-rh                                           | 3.0 kB     00:00
centos-sclo-sclo                                         | 2.9 kB     00:00
epel                                                     | 3.2 kB     00:00
nethforge                                                | 4.0 kB     00:00
nethserver-base                                          | 2.9 kB     00:00
nethserver-updates                                       | 4.1 kB     00:00
(1/14): ce-base/7/x86_64/group_gz                          | 166 kB   00:00
(2/14): centos-sclo-sclo/x86_64/primary_db                 | 242 kB   00:00
(3/14): ce-extras/7/x86_64/primary_db                      | 154 kB   00:00
(4/14): epel/x86_64/group_gz                               |  88 kB   00:00
(5/14): ce-updates/7/x86_64/primary_db                     | 1.3 MB   00:01
(6/14): nethforge/7/x86_64/group_gz                        | 1.1 kB   00:00
(7/14): nethforge/7/x86_64/primary_db                      |  17 kB   00:00
(8/14): nethserver-base/7/x86_64/primary_db                | 292 kB   00:00
(9/14): nethserver-updates/7/x86_64/group_gz               |  20 kB   00:00
(10/14): epel/x86_64/primary                               | 3.6 MB   00:02
(11/14): epel/x86_64/updateinfo                            | 935 kB   00:02
(12/14): nethserver-updates/7/x86_64/primary_db            |  94 kB   00:00
(13/14): centos-sclo-rh/x86_64/primary_db                  | 3.6 MB   00:04
(14/14): ce-base/7/x86_64/primary_db                       | 6.0 MB   00:05
epel                                                                12738/12738
No packages marked for update
[root@mail ~]#
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Thank you Davide!
I already did it.

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Hi all!
cc: @stephdl ; @giacomo

Just installed the following updates.
Where I should find nethserver-mail-quarantine settings?
Is this module available for NS 7.6.1810 beta? (Ref: Rspamd quarantine feature )


Dec 07 18:56:08 Updated: nethserver-base-3.6.1-1.ns7.noarch
Dec 07 18:56:09 Updated: nethserver-mail-common-2.4.1-1.ns7.noarch
Dec 07 18:56:09 Updated: nethserver-mail-filter-2.4.1-1.ns7.noarch
Dec 07 18:56:10 Updated: nethserver-sssd-1.4.6-1.ns7.noarch
Dec 07 18:56:10 Updated: nethserver-subscription-3.2.1-1.ns7.noarch
Dec 07 18:56:11 Updated: nethserver-release-7-10.ns7.noarch
Dec 07 18:56:11 Updated: nethserver-nethforge-release-7-3.ns7.noarch
Dec 07 18:56:12 Updated: nethserver-subscription-ui-3.2.1-1.ns7.noarch
Dec 07 18:56:13 Updated: nethserver-mail-server-2.4.1-1.ns7.noarch
Dec 07 18:56:13 Updated: nethserver-directory-3.3.2-1.ns7.noarch
Dec 07 18:56:13 Updated: nethserver-mail-p3scan-2.4.1-1.ns7.noarch
Dec 07 18:56:14 Updated: nethserver-mail-quarantine-2.4.1-1.ns7.noarch
Dec 07 18:56:14 Updated: nethserver-mail-disclaimer-2.4.1-1.ns7.noarch
Dec 07 18:56:15 Updated: nethserver-mail-smarthost-2.4.1-1.ns7.noarch
Dec 07 18:56:39 Updated: nethserver-fail2ban-1.1.2-1.ns7.noarch

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in the documentation,

actually just command line option

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Thank you Stephane!
Now, I will wait for the first email notification!

Kind regards,

You will see it will be really interesting :slight_smile:

Ooo! I know that! I already use it with NS 7.5!

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Just for info, same message.


It works as we expected!


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