Who is talking about NethServer?

Here at the company we are about 150 employees and we only use Nethserver. 80% of computers run Linux. It’s rare that we aren’t contacted by a commercial trying to sell software from Microsoft. Every month is drawn among us who will dispatch it. We make bets on how long it takes to dispatch it, with arguments for the values ​​and headaches we save in terms of Linus servers and workstation, not MS.

Rodrigo is amazing! @Rodrigo_Vieira_da_Co @Rodrigo @Rodrigo_da_Silva


Here too in Brazil and Paraguay there is always some “fishing” email to see if anyone contacts the Microsoft reseller.
We use Linux servers and are programming to use Linux on users’ computers as well.
The license here is from windows 7, and the upgrade period is ending, but we will not switch to windows 10.




Let’s reopen this discussione with new mentions

  1. thanks @robb for this. You’re a REAL ambassador :smiley:


  1. Nethserver suggested on Reddit

For something with a preconfigured Web interface, I like nethserver. (it’s essentially centos with some extras)

  1. @vignesh wrote about Neth on his blog. Thanks man I really appreciate it



@alefattorini Thank you. I love Nethserver. Working to get my companies entire network to switch to using Nethserver from Dell Sonicwall.


Linux Magazin November 2019 (German)


c`t 08/2019 “Kaufberatung Kleine Server: Betriebssysteme”

A comparison of Small Business Server solutions. German title means: “Decison aid / buy guide for small server operating systems”



Found the following, nethserver as mailserver with a short (only german) description, how to install.


Also here is a nice interview with @alefattorini


Sounds great man :smiley:

1 Like

New Facebook channel for NethServer italy users:

Join it :wink:

As a Community ambassador I have mixed feelings about other external communities besides this community.
Pro: the more, the merrier. Especially when it comes to other languages than English, it might be good to have external groups. Here we decided to keep it English only to not get several small units inside the community. We can benefit more from knowledge if it is kept together.

That brings me to my concern: dividing (groups of) people makes the access to knowledge smaller. Maybe people tend to join both communities. But for non Italian people the FB group is not the place to be. What I do hope, is that the Italian FB group will point to our community when questions arise that need more support than can be provided there.
best regards,


I agree and I think the most important thing is to let NethServer everyone know :wink:

… Really? I mean… Do you think that Sysadmins, system integrators, Network Admins, Application experts look for pards in FB?

Don’t get me wrong, as already said, the more, the merrier, but i’d like to have more nice and polite and expert into the community, not the noob patrol looking for someone to teach them to not hang themself with a CAT6A cable.

I am not defining myself nice or polite (only the community could tell if i am) or expert (I am definitively a noob) but… attitude helps to have a nice community. IMVHO.

@pike: there are many ways to run communities. I can say I have seen my fair share of different ones. You can’t expect all to be active. In fact, if you can manage to get 10% active (=at least 1 post per month) and 1% ‘powerusers’ like yourself or any of the other members that are browsing the discussions on a daily basis trying to get questions answered and the atmosphere positive, you are doing quite a fine job. Every extra % and you are doing great. And I think (looking at the stats: I know), we do great!
And my experience is that even the ‘worst’ freeloaders, tend to do something back when they are helped in a way they feel comfortable with. Be it by keep asking questions or by pointing to members who might know what the solution is for a question.
And that’s why I love this community. Although community management is HARD work (thanks @alefattorini), it is all worth it.


Uhm same mixed feelings but I hope that Walter gonna manage the group as complimentary to this one. Time will tell us


Based on the Centos operating system, NethServer integrates basically all application tools used in the corporate network environment, which greatly facilitates corporate gateways and technical personnel, and is also very rich in documentation and technical support. NethServer should be regarded as the most complete integrated enterprise network platform in the world.


Hi Marc,

I regret only one thing about this video, not having seen it when I first met NethServer :star_struck:


1 Like

Nice video. Just 1 remark towards the naming convention of AD. Best practice is to use a subdomain of the domain you use (important: subdomain that is not used anywhere else). IE: subdom.domain.tld instead of domain.tld

and here the technet article: