How to create your own NethServer mirror

Hello everyone,

Thank you very much for the Nethserver, it made things a lot easier for me in my small business.
For this reason I would like to provide two mirrors here.

Here are the two mirrors:
The mirrors are located on 2 servers in Austria and are synced every 2 hours.

Greetings from Austria


Thank you Andreas!

PR is open:


Hey Giacomo,

thanks for Adding :wink:

Can you add my Website to the “@” Sign?

Best Regards

I will try, but we currently do not give a value to that field.
The process is automated and I do not know how much work is needed.

If it’s not too much work, I would appreciate it.

It is not important to me, it would be a nice gift for me :slight_smile:

IIUC it is not possible to configure that link. According to the legend section of

home (represented by the @ -symbol) is an url pointing to the document root of the site. This pointer is useful if the project site url is invalid, possibly because the mirror site moved the archive.

I unterstand, thank you very much :grinning:

what bandwidth requirements are required?
id like to create one on my server but I’m only on a fttn connection (basicaly vdsl 90mbps down 20 up) once we get upgraded to fibre I’m happy (and want to ) create a mirror but if it’s not a huge bandwidth commitment ill set it up now


IMO Even 500kbit/s could be useful, @Shane_Treweek. On that side of the world there no mirrors currently, so any bit might help Australian sysadmins and customers.


ill create a mirror on my old server and figreout away to limit bandwidth to around 750kbps and open it up once (if ) we get fibre